The Guilty Party

Pandora. According to Greek mythology, she was the first woman on Earth. Many of you may be familiar with the tale of Pandora’s box, how she unleashed all evil upon the world when she opened a jar she had been forbidden to open under any circumstance. Why did she do it? A humans natural curiosity. When God told Eve not to eat fruit from the garden of Eden, what drove her to bite into the apple the serpent presented her? Temptation. These are the stories we are told growing up. They are explanations to our imperfect ways.

We all have them, we all need them. They are our little demons we hide away for no one to see, and to indulge in privacy. We can’t change them, nor do we want to, they are perfect the way they are. They control our inner-mind, and lash out whenever necessary. We may appear to fight them, however secretly we want them to win. They are our Guilty Pleasures.

There may be one, two, or hundreds of otherwise “sinful” pleasures that we give in to. Guilty Party, it is time to confess your sins. Don’t feel ashamed of what makes you, well, human.

Image courtsey of Google Image.

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